March 2018
Important Dates
March15th - 5:30-6:30 PM-Family Book Tasting
March 15th - 6:30 PM-HMS Faculty/Student Basketball game
March 18th -6:00-7:00 PM-HMS Art Show at Pinkerton Academy
March 21st - 8:30 AM- Addams Family In-School Dress Rehearsal Performance (Free for Hampstead Senior Citizens)
March 23rd - 9:00-10:00 AM-Ancient Egypt Museum
March 22nd - 7:00-9:00 PM- Addams Family Performance
March 23rd - 7:00-9:00 PM- Addams Family Performance
March 24th - 12:00-3:00 PM- Addams Family Performance
March 26th - Spring Sports Tryouts
March 28th - Teacher Workshop Day- No School for Students
Congratulations to student artist’s representing HMS at the Youth Art Month Art show at Pinkerton Academy. Art can be viewed at the Stockbridge theater lobby during regular building hours during the month of March! Please join us for a special opening for artists and families on Thursday, March 15th, from 6-7 PM at Pinkerton Academy.
Ancient Egypt Museum
Students have been researching about Ancient Egypt in fifth-grade social studies classes. Parents are invited to learn about the wonders of this ancient world by visiting the Hampstead Middle School Egypt Museum on March 23rd between 9-10:00am.Visit the museum located in the grade five classrooms and students will share their knowledge on the topic they researched. Projects and Google slideshows about Egypt will also be on display.
Tickets for this year's musical theater production of "The Addams Family" will go on sale online beginning Monday, March 12th. Please find the ticket link on our school website.
Tickets will be on sale for students and staff at lunches on Monday, March 12th and March 13th.
Hawk wear orders should be in within the next week or so.. Thank you to everyone who ordered!
The NH PTA has announced the winners for the state level competition for Reflections. All families have been notified of their status. Hampstead had 8 students place - with one student placing 2 times! Kendall LeBel (HCS) will move on to the National Level for her 1st place win at State Level.
The full list of all schools is available online
Please note that due to the incoming storm this week, that the NH Reflections Exhibit has been moved to a revised snow date of Friday, March 9th. The event will take place from 5:30pm-7pm, and still be held at the Gilbert H. Hood Middle School in Derry.
The Hampstead PTSA would like to congratulate all the winners!
HMS Winners:
Music: Middle School - Third Place - Adam Woidyla: Gift to My GenerationVisual Arts: Middle School - Honorable Mention - Kristina Packowski: Education for Everyone
Photography: Middle School - Second Place - Travis Henry: A Better Tomorrow
Visual Arts: Intermediate: HM Elliot Ingraham What I am Going to Be
Visual Arts: Intermediate: HM Madison Laham Starry Night
Film: Intermediate: Second Place Connor Schuler Training for Basketball
Spring Sports
Tryouts will begin the week of March 26th. Track parent meeting will be the night of the 19th. All other sports will sign up in the cafe March 7-14. Please make sure physicals are within last 2 years and updated in the nurse's office. Specific times and days for tryouts TBD.
TIGERS Performance
On March 9th, the Plymouth State University TIGER Performance Group will present "I've Got Your Back." This popular show will raise awareness and help students seek solutions to bullying behavior by empowering bystanders. This new TIGER production integrates research on the importance of educating bystanders about the powerful role they play in helping to stop bullying behavior in schools.
6th Grade FCS Welcomes Chef Joe for a Pesto Demonstration
We harvested the basil from hydroponic systems in the FCS room and the Cafe and along with Chef Joe we made nut free pesto. The next day we used that pesto to make pasta and pizza. It all tasted so good. Even the skeptics gave it a try and found it to be very tasty. Find the recipe on the FCS Google Site.
Personalized Learning
On February 19th HMS students worked on their personalized learning plans to update personal and academic goals that were set at the beginning of the year. This work supports our continued focus and efforts on personalizing learning as a framework for student success.
![Image result for personalized learning clip art](
HMS Debate Club
Debate Club has been busy working on counterarguments this winter. We embarked on "The Great Candy Debate" where teams had to prove that their candy was best. This involved researching their candy, but also being knowledgeable about their competitor's candy so they could argue against it. Next up, we are debating which fairytale character is the best!
From the Nurse...
On February 21st, HMS hosted our third annual STEAM Family night. It was a great success to bring science, technology, engineering, math and the arts to life for students. A huge thank you to all who attended and all of the students and staff who participated. And kudos to Mrs.Heather Mailloux, and Mrs. Sarah Wisecarver, District Enrichment/Ventures coordinators, for making this night possible. From the Nurse...
As we are nearing warmer days and the recess environment may be wet and muddy at times, please send your child with an extra pair of clothing and shoes. The health office has been inundated with the needs of children who got their clothes or shoes wet and dirty during recess. The health office does not have the resources to provide replacements for all of these students.
A few reminders of the school’s policy regarding absences (always communicate with the school nurse):
If the absence is due to a communicable disease or condition, please inform the school as soon as possible and check with the school nurse regarding health policies. The school nurse will require a note from a physician if there is any doubt as to whether or not a student is ready to return to school after a prolonged absence or has been sick with a communicable disease. If a student is absent five consecutive days due to illness, a physician’s note MUST be sent to the health office upon returning to school.
If a student is returning to school after a prolonged illness, on crutches, in a cast, sling or splint please bring a note from the physician stating that it is safe for the student to be in the school environment and what restrictions if any need to be observed, e.g. no gym, no recess etc.
When the student no longer requires these restrictions another physician note should be presented to the nurse so the student can resume activities. For liability issues a student on crutches requires a note from the parent giving them permission to ride the bus.
Any student requiring medication during the school day MUST have the medication delivered to school by a parent or other designated adult. The medication MUST be in a pharmacy labeled container if a prescription, or in the original container if an over the counter medication. NO medication will be administered by the school nurse unless accompanied by a written order signed by the student's physician and parent /guardian.
Students do not need to use cell phones/personal devices during the school day. They should be turned off and kept in a safe place (put away) during the school day. If your child is sick, remind them to report to the health office. The nurse will contact the parent, if the child needs to be taken home.
STEAM Success!
8th Grader, Isabel Povey was recognized last month as NH's top youth volunteer in the 2018 Prudential Spirit of Community Awards Program. We are so proud of you and thank you for helping make our school shine with your kindness!
7th Grader, Ethan Charles, our school-wide Geography Bee winner, has qualified to compete in the state National Geographic Society Bee on April 6th at Keene State College. This is the second level of the Geography Bee, and Ethan will be competing against middle school students across NH. Congratulations to Ethan!